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MVS looks after a Ruru

September 26, 2019

Recently, we had a rather unusual patient in to see us. A member of the public found a Ruru (morepork) injured on the road and brought it in to us for assessment.
Examination showed injury to one of the eyes and a small skin wound, but no broken bones. We suspected head trauma due to collision with a vehicle, which can be very serious – however, Ruru showed some promising signs of having a fighting chance. We discussed a care plan with the Department of Conservation.
Ruru stayed with us for medication and supportive care over the weekend and was then transferred to a DOC rehabilitator. Happily, he made a full recovery and was able to be released back into the wild, in a safer area of bush.
If you find a bird that appears injured, remember that they are very fragile. You can transport them carefully and quietly in a closed cardboard box lined with paper towels, to the vet for assessment. You do not need to offer any food or water.
If you find a native bird that is injured, it can be helpful to contact the Department of Conservation emergency hotline (0800 DOC HOT or 0800 362 468) also.
If you find a fledgling on the ground – remember – this may not be injured!
Young birds that have just left the nest can spend time on the ground as they strengthen their wings and muscles while learning to fly. If you find a fledgling, it is best to leave it where you found it and keep your pets away. Usually they fly away after some time. If it is in direct danger, gently place it a little distance away in a safer place. Birds do not have a great sense of smell so the parents are unlikely to reject it.